Regulations ot the Association

Regulations of the Thai Chinese Business Association Chiang Mai

(4th revised edition)

Section 1

Article 1:
This association is called “Thai Chinese Business Association Chiang Mai”
The name is called “Chiang Mai Zhong Hua Shang Hui”
The name in English as “Thai Chinese Business Association of Chiang Mai ”
With the abbreviation “TCBA”
Article 2:
The mark of the association is a circle. Chinese characters in the middle, read that “Shang” has a Thai name, read that “Thai-Chinese Business Association Chiang Mai” is at the top and there are Chinese characters below. Read that “Ching Ma Zhong Hua Shang Hui” The important seal of the association is as follows.
Article 3:
The head office of the association is located at 232 Moo 2, Chiang Mai-Lampang Highway, Nong Phueng Subdistrict, Saraphi District, Chiang Mai Province 50140 Tel. 053 – 422948 – 9
Article 4: Association objective
4.1 To strengthen friendship And harmony in the members’ masses And member families
4.2 To promote good relations in the business of trade to members
4.3 To promote economic, trade, education, youth development, environment and culture. Thailand-China
4.4 In order to exchange information, knowledge and experience in the trade business to keep up with economic and social changes
4.5 To be the center of contact and coordination with Thai-Chinese organizations in business. Trade, education and culture and participate in activities that are beneficial to members. Family, members, organization and society
4.6 To be a center for contacting, coordinating and building business relations
Education and culture with China and other countries
4.7 To arrange for members to have a meeting place And activities that promote health
4.8 To carry out charitable activities That is beneficial to society Both of these objectives
The association is not related to politics in the country and abroad

Section 2

Article 5: There are 2 types of association members:
5.1 Ordinary members are Chinese merchants, businessmen. Or the successor to the Chinese Which has operated the business commercial trade is in Chiang Mai and nearby.
5.2 Honorary members include honorable people or qualified or who have sponsored you for the association
Which the committee voted to invite to be a member of the association

Article 6: Members must consist of the following qualifications.
6.1. Being a mature person
6.2. Being a conduct person
6.3. It is not a disease that is socially disgusting.
6.4. Never having the final judgment of the court to be bankrupt Or incompetent or as incompetent or imprisoned Except for negligence Or misdemeanor
Must be the final judgment of the court, in which case it must be while applying for membership of the association only

For the association only
Article 7 Registration fees and association fees

7.1. Ordinary members must pay the first registration fee 100.00 baht Lifetime association fee 1,000.00 baht

7.2. Honorary members no registration fee is required and all association fees
Article 8 Applying for membership of the association For those wishing to apply to be a member of the association, must submit an application
According to the form of association to the secretary With at least 1 ordinary member and the secretary
Posting the list of applicants at the office of the association for at least 15 days for members
Other associations will oppose the application once the announcement has been made Then the secretary will bring the application and the objection letter of the member (if any) to the board meeting to consider whether to accept or not. Accepted as a member of the association and when the committee considers the application. The secretary informs the applicant as soon as possible.

Section 3

The operation of the association

Article 13 There shall be a board of directors to serve the affairs of the Association of not more than 40 persons. The Annual General Meeting selects ordinary members to be members of the Association of not more than 25 persons. Electing the president from 25 directors, recruiting more than 15 suitable persons to join as a total of not more than 40 persons. The President shall have the power to allocate the position solely.

13.1 The President of the Association serves as the head of the administration of the association’s business. Being a representative of the association in dealing with outsiders And acting as the chairman of the meeting Board of Directors and Conference of the Association
13.2 Vice-President serves as an assistant to the president of the association in the administration of the association’s activities, in accordance with the duties assigned by the president and acting as the president of the association when the president is absent or unable to perform his duties But acting as the president of the association to be the person acting on behalf

13.3 The secretary performs the duties of the administration of all associations as the chief officer of association in the operation of the association and follow the orders of the president of the association as secretary in various meetings of the association

13.4 The treasurer is responsible for all financial matters of the association. Is an account holder expenditure of the balance sheet of the association and keep documents of various associations for examination

13.5 The hostess is responsible for welcoming the guests of the association. Be the leader in preparing the association’s place and prepare the meeting place of the association.

13.6 The registrar is responsible for the registration of all members of the association, coordinating with the treasurer for collecting fees from the members

13.7 Public relations has a duty to disseminate business and reputation association’s honor to members and the general person is widely known.

13.8 Other positions as appropriate which the board of directors deems appropriate to set up with the amount when combined with the position of the above director must not exceed the amount prescribed by the regulations. But if the board does not determine the position, it is considered by the central director

Article 14 The Board of Directors of the Association can be in the position for 2 years at a time. But the new committee has not been allowed to register from the government, then the committee that has completed the term of office shall remain in office for a while until the new committee is authorized to register from the government And when the new board of directors is already authorized to register from the government then send and receive the work between the old committee and the new board will be completed within 30 days from the date of the new committee from the registered government

14.1 When the committee has completed 2 years role, there shall be a new election. The election will choose those who hold the successor position can be renewed. Except for the prime position to be elected as prime minister more than twice.

Article 15 The position of the association committee, if having to vacate before the expiration of the term, the board of directors shall appoint

Any ordinary member who deems appropriate to enter the vacancy, but the person who is in the position equal to the agenda of the person he represents for the position of the president of the association, he will be elected as the prime minister for not more than 2 days.
And in the case of a vacant position before the expiration of the term for any reason, the members of the association shall select one of the directors to replace the position and to be in the position for the remaining period of the term

Article 16 A director may be retired from office, which is not a term of office.
16.1 Death
16.2 Resignation
16.3 Lack of membership
16.4 The general meeting voted to leave the position.
Article 17 Directors who wish to resign from the position of directors who are required to submit a letter of resignation in writing to the board of directors and vacated office when the board of directors resolved to issue

Article 18 Power and duties of the board
18.1 Making any juristic acts of the association or in signing documents, regulations and all documents

The book is the evidence of association legal proceedings must be passed by the board of director with the president of the association together with 2 other directors signed with seal of the association.
Will be considered as a complete binding to the legal association
18.2 Have the authority to issue regulations to allow members to comply with the regulations that must not contrary to this regulation
18.3 Have the power to appoint and remove officers of the association.
18.4 Has the power to appoint advisors or sub-committees, but advisory or sub-committee, being able to be in a position not exceeding the term of the appointed committee
18.5 Has the power to call the annual general meeting and extraordinary general meetings
18.6 Has the power to appoint directors in other positions not yet specified in this regulation
18.7 Have the power to manage the affairs of the association. To be in accordance with the objectives and other powers, as stipulated by the regulations
18.8 Responsible for all activities, including finance and all assets of the association
18.9 Responsible for arranging general meetings as one-third of ordinary members. All members have entered the name requesting to hold an extraordinary general meeting, which must be provided. There is an extraordinary general meeting with be hold within 30 days from the date of receipt of the request letter.
18.10 There is a duty to prepare various documents relating to finance, property and operation. Activities of the association has to be correct according to academic principles and can allow members to be check, also requested by the members.
18.11 Prepare records of various meetings of the association to be kept as evidence and delivered to update all members.
18.12 There are other duties as stipulated by this regulation.

Article 19 The board of directors must meet at least once a month to be held on the 15th of every month to discuss the administration of the association’s business

Article 20 The board of directors meeting shall have at least half of the directors attending the meeting. Therefore, all will be considered a quorum resolution of the board of directors meeting, if the regulations do not specify, the majority vote shall be considered, but if the votes are equal, the chairman of the meeting is the decision maker.
Article 21 At the board meeting, if the president and vice-president are not in the meeting, they are allowed to perform their duties by appointing other members in the meeting.

Section 4

Main meeting

Article 22 The general meeting of the association has 2 types:
22.1 Annual General Meeting
22.2 Extraordinary general meeting
Article 23 The board of directors shall arrange for an annual general meeting, one time, within 90 days.
From the end of every accounting year
Article 24 General meeting may be made by the reason that the Board of Directors deems appropriate to have
Happens by joining names together of members, not more than 1 in 3 of all ordinary members requesting

Article 25 Notification of the appointment of the general meeting
The secretary shall notify the meeting of the scheduled meeting for the members to know. And the notification must be in writing by clearly specifying the date, time and location, which must inform all members at least 7 days in advance. the notice of meeting scheduled at the office.
Article 26 Annual General Meeting Must have at least the following agenda.
26.1 Announcement of past businesses in the year
26.2 Statement of income, expenditure and balance sheet accounts of the previous year for members to acknowledge
26.3 Electing a new committee when the term expires
26.4 Other matters, if any

Article 27 in the annual general meeting or an extraordinary general meeting, must have ordinary members to join
Meeting must have at least half of the total members or not less than 50 people, if it does not reach the number, meeting should be postponed and carried up within the next 14 days with or without the number of people mentioned.
Article 28 Voting in the general meeting
If the regulations are specified otherwise, the votes shall be considered.
As many as the criteria, but if the votes are equal, then the chairman of the meeting makes the decision.
Article 29 In the general meeting of the association if the president and vice president of the association do not attend the meeting or are unable to perform the duty. The general meeting shall elect the directors attending in the meeting and that person shall to act as the chairman of that meeting

Section 5

Finance and property
Article 30 Finance and all assets are under the responsibility of the Board of Directors. Cash of the association
If there is, deposit with the financial institution that the board has voted in unanimously to deposit
Article 31 Signing of bills or checks of associations must have the signature of the president of the association or the operator. Instead signed with the treasurer Or representative together with the seal of the association will be considered available
Article 32 The President of the association shall have the power to order payment of the association for not more than 10,000.00 baht per time (ten thousand baht
If there is an emergency case, it must be approved with 1 vice president and the treasurer not more than 50,000.00 baht (fifty thousand baht only) which must be reported to the association committee in the meeting

The next time, if more than that, must be approved by the board and the board will approve payment not more than 200,000.00 baht (two hundred thousand baht only) if necessary to pay more than this amount , it must be approved in the general meeting

Article 33 The Treasurer of the association shall have the power to keep the association’s cash not exceeding 2,000 baht (two thousand baht) If more than this amount, it must be deposited in the association’s account as soon as possible
Article 34 Treasurer shall have to account for income and expenses. Correct balance sheet according to academic principles. Receiving or paying every time must have evidence with the letter signed by the president or representative or the person acting on behalf shall have the seal of the association stamped on every time
Article 35 The auditor must not be a director or officer of the association snd must be an auditor who is qualified
Article 36 The auditor has the authority to summon documents relating to finance and assets from the Board of Directors and can call the directors or officers of the association to inquire about accounts and assets

Article 37 The Board of Directors must cooperate with the auditor when requested.

Section 6

Changes, amendments to regulations and dissolution
Article 38 The regulations of the association shall be changed by the resolution of the general meeting only
The general meeting must have ordinary members attending at least 50 members of ordinary members.
All the resolutions of the general meeting in changing the regulations must have votes no less than 66% of all ordinary members attending the meeting.

Article 39 The dissolution of the association shall be terminated by the resolution of the general meeting of the association. Except for cessation of reasons of the law, resolutions of the general meeting to give up the association must have a vote of not less than 75% of all ordinary members attending the meeting. The quorum must not be less than half of all ordinary members.

Article 40 When the association has to stop for any reason, the remaining assets of the association after being obtained the settlement is completed is to be owned by Chong Fah Xin Sheng Foundation.

Section 7

Miscellaneous chapter

Article 41 Interpretation in the Articles of Association If it is suspected, 5 members of the Association of Directors by majority of the existing directors are the referees.

Article 42 The provisions of the Civil and Commercial Code on Association shall applied by the organization